

FeStyle is a social enterprise with women at its core, aiming to leverage women’s expertise in cooking and provide them with employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. At the same time, it aims to help busy people in Hong Kong by providing ready-to-cook meals, allowing everyone to easily deliver healthy and delicious meals to their families.


Having a home-cooked meal is a simple desire for many busy Hongkongers. Many of FeStyle’s employees are part-time housewives, and the dishes they prepare carry a unique taste of home. Therefore, we embrace #aTasteOfHome as the core of our brand, while also promoting the importance of nutrition and healthy eating to touch the hearts of urban dwellers.


The smile symbol is an important element in the brand identity. It is part of the FeStyle logo and represents satisfaction and happiness. Additionally, women-centric elements are incorporated into every marketing material and business card to promote women’s empowerment as part of the brand’s mission!

#Delivery #SocialEnterprise #Branding #UrbaneSimple